Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Take me out to the ballgame . . .

Kicking back at Chase's ballgame last night, I hear some women giggling behind me. I wasn't really paying attention until one of the women yelled, "Hey, LeeAnn! Did you teach Chase those moves?" Chase was positioned in the outfield (center field), his least favorite position. I glance back there and catch him disco dancing. John Travolta-style.

It's his first year at kid-pitch. For those who haven't experience that, yet, it generally means few hits so the fielders get kind of bored. As I continued to watch, Chase transitioned to the stirring-the-pot move. Since the rest of us heard no music, one has to wonder what goes on in his head. Oh well, at least he was awake and also not drawing pictures in the dirt like he did during his t-ball year. Dancing could be an improvement, right?

Then, next inning, he was up to bat, again. Two strikes, three balls. One kid on 3rd. Feel the tension? I sure did. The pitcher gave him the stare, wound up, let 'er rip . . .POW! Chase knocked it clear to the grassy field. The crowd is cheering. Chase rounds first. The first base coach yells for him to keep going. Chase is on his way to 2nd. The outfield gets the ball and it looks like the 2nd baseman may get it before Chase gets there. The coach yells, "Go back! Go back!" Chase hesitates, looks back, starts to turn back to first. But is it too late? The fielder throws the ball to the first baseman. Chase is stuck between bases when . . . the first baseman misses the ball! The coach yells, "Run! Run to 2nd!"

After a few minutes of confusion, Chase made it to second. Which was, by the way, his very first double.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Second grade musical

This was Chase's 2nd set of lines. I sort of forgot my camera had video capabilities during the first set of lines. It is hard to hear him because the little boy next to me started crying while Chase was delivering his part.

After he perfectly delivered his first set of lines the audience all sort of chuckled. I'm sure it was because he is just so cute. However, that is Chase's big pet-peeve. He recently told me he doesn't like to talk to grown ups because they all think he's cute. (Life is hard.)