Sunday, March 1, 2009

Yaaawwwwn. . .

We hit a milestone this weekend. Micah had his very first (non-family) sleepover. His basketball coach invited the team to his home for a s'mores-making, movie-watching all-nighter. Needless to say, I pulled my very own all-nighter, mom-style, complete with worrying, what-iffing, and praying.

Before I left him, I perused the movies slated for their enjoyment and they were all sports-related, motivational films. All were G and PG except for one PG-13. I was feeling pretty comfortable with that, kind of hoping that they would bypass the PG-13 one. Guess which one they watched first.

Micah reports that he did not sleep at all, except for maybe 4 minutes. But when Paul arrived to pick Micah up, Micah and the rest of the boys were still asleep (of course, I sent Paul to pick him up at 7:00 a.m.).

He says he had a blast, so I'm glad he went (yawn). Even if he is surlier than usual (yawn).

Responsibility update: Micah has now gone 3 entire weeks without forgetting a single school assignment earning a family bowling trip. Whenever we can fit that in, between basketball and baseball weekends.

1 comment:

GrandB said...

Leeann, your Blog page is like reading a good book except you know the characters! You have quite the talent with words. It broke my heart to hear that your heart was broken. Somehow I feel that my son may have had a part in that, and for that, my heart is broken. I remember that day when you told Chase, after Micah's basketball game, that you would take him home for lunch before his baseball practice. I remember sort of thinking to myself, "boy, she sure is cutting it close." At least, you could make light of it. Enjoyoed all your stories about my wonderful grandsons!