Tuesday, February 17, 2009

May the force be with you

I'm sure everyone knows by now that Chase had just the most horrible week. Yes, we did take a trip to the ER very early Sunday morning, and by "Sunday morning," what I really mean is the middle of the night. Driving through the ghetto was particularly interesting. (Really, can't Cincinnati do something about that? All of our hospitals are located right in the heart of gang-domain. And there I was in my black Suburban, probably the most preferred vehicle of gangbangers, just praying there was enough light to see all the mud caked on the sides of my car. "Hello! Not a rival, here! Just a woman that really needs a vehicle with 4-wheel drive!" Anyway . . .).

But the whole week was pretty bad. He'd have these terrible asthma attacks followed by moments where he just wanted to run and play. Wednesday night he was up most of the night coughing and having difficulty breathing. Therefore I decided that he would not have to attend school on Thursday. He seemed comforted by that.

Thursday morning (as I was preparing to take Micah to school) Darth Vader comes running through the house, wielding his light saber. Then Darth begins to attempt to engage Micah in a battle.

Are you kidding me?

"If you are well enough to be Darth Vader, then you are well enough for school!" (me)

"Well, I didn't know that!" (Chase)

Seriously, do I need to write these rules down somewhere?

1 comment:

Pastor Tom said...

You are right that big black car is just too dangerous, next time you need to make a run through gettho land call me and I'll lend you my motocycle. Chase will love it, and you should be a harder target to hit.